The first sign that you have an ugly house – is you walk in a room and turn right around to walk out!
But seriously,
You don’t even want to be there.
Ugly house sign #2
You have decor that is stuck in the 90’s.(or worse the 80’s) You know who you are. Your color scheme is maroon, navy, and hunter green. There are new hot colors every year. Design usually has a rotation of hues and tones that cycle, but we still haven’t come back to that combo. If you are hanging on to see if it comes back around- it’s time to let go!
Ugly house sign #3
There are unfinished projects. Even I have to raise my hand to this one. Being a creative, I have great dreams and plans for a room and then life happens. My son asked me when I was going to make his curtain/shades. My husband says, “Just pay someone to do it”. Of course, I am going to do it. I just need to make it a priority.
Ugly house sign #4
You can’t tell what the style of your room is. The things you own are hand- me-downs or from a previous life and home. And nothing is wrong with things being handed down to you. Some of my favorite items are handed down to me and they have a great story.
Just be sure you love them and are not hanging on to things just because they were given to you.
Ugly house sign #5
Everything you had came as a package from one store. One thing they never told us in design school was “buy your room as a set”. You are more than that and the style of your home reflects you. A store shouldn’t be able to define you in a room “to go”. These rooms aren’t always ugly, but they can lack your personality. You have to ask yourself, what can you add to make it yours?
So, how do you turn it around this year?
The first thing you are going to do is go to the room that is giving you trouble. If it is more than one, just breathe and repeat! Grab a pen and paper and take notes about how the room makes you feel, what is bothering you about this room? And (if you already know) what you would like to change in this room?
Then you need to take pictures of your space. You can leave it on any device, but you will need these pictures to evaluate your room against the room you would like to create. Sounds simple enough, right? ..ok ~ Making sure you are still with me.
Next, you will want to get measurements of the room and any item you plan to keep (for now). Every good plan needs to be worked out. You will want to draw out your room to know what can fit in it .
After you have collected information about your room, it is time to find out What style you like and how you want this room to look. We are surrounded by technology and don’t have to go buy magazines to get inspiration. I would encourage you to go on Pintrest or Houzz and create an idea board. This is something I have all my clients do if they haven’t already. When you look at a picture that inspires you –make notes as to what you specifically liked about each picture.
Finally, get a professional! No seriously, we care deeply that your home refelcts your unique way of living and that everything pulls together in a cohesive maner.
Your home and how it is put together affects your life on a personal level. Your home is where you go to unwind, relax, get away, and be you. It needs to be functional for how you live and tell the story of who you are. This is the year to tackle those Ugly rooms and make them a place you want to be in.
Check out our service packages from Full Service to DIY. Once you click on them you can choose from the menu of rooms to get started. See our Packaged services
Do me a favor
Will you make a comment below with one thing you are going to do to make your home the place you want to hang out in?
Thanks for coming by! If you would like to see what is going on behind the scenes, check me out on Instagram.

My Attic!!! Love you!!
Hey there!
Word press is good. Pintrest gives a lot of advice on starting a blog.
Best of luck to you!