Updating a Bathroom is more than picking out pretty finishes. Every detail has to be thought out.

Today I want to share a recent project with you. Everyone loves a good Before and After, so I thought I’d show you where we were and how it turned out.
I have been working with this client for about 14 years and in this home we needed a Master Bathroom G U T !
They wanted out of the 1990’s and something more sophisticated and streamlined to reflect the rest of their home we have designed together. So here is what we did.
The Following are signs your Bathroom needs a makeover?
* You have a small framed-in or cave shower.
* Your vanity sink only comes up to your thighs.
* You have wall to wall mirrors… I should write a blog just about this.. haha
* Your colors and finishes are from another time and place.
HEY! You know who you are. But there is hope for every bathroom.
Here is where we begin. Warning- I am not responsible for the memories you have – entering this time warp. 😉
The only thing we kept in this room were the plumbing locations for the sinks. YEP. That is IT.
But before we begin demolition, we have to have a plan. Despite all the fun makeover shows, Bathrooms take some planning and time to purchase all the needed materials.
Below are some of the details that need to be decided in the design process.

P.S. The tile is not really GREEN, but a metallic that didn’t show true in tear-sheets or drawings. Never fear, we had the real tiles as well.
This is the real tile bellow. It is not really as green as the online images show.

When the room is torn apart it is probably the most exciting and overwhelming to clients. But, it is when we can see the bare bones that all the room’s potential becomes realized.
Site visits are important.
Having a reliable contractor that is licensed is essential. Below you will see the orange floor underlayment. It is a product made by Schluter and is a complete water proofing system for all wet areas. This will also go on the walls in the shower. No water will be able to go through and you will never have mold in this bathroom! YAY!
You will also see coils in the floor. Those coils are the heated floor system or Detra-heat as Schluter calls it. Making sure that the foundation is what I specified and that my client is getting the best product- is very important to me.
Using the best materials aren’t code requirements, but will keep your Bathroom lasting longer.
Here is the result of this project.
Need help Planning your Bathroom makeover? I have made it so easy with a complete Bathroom Design Package. Everything is included to help you plan, design, and shop everything needed for your project. Check it out and see if it is right for you.
Have questions about your Bathroom remodel? Schedule a Design Chat with our Complimentary Phone Discovery Call to talk about your project and how I can help you.
If you liked this Bathroom, give me a “like” or share me with your friends! 😉

You’re a rockstar! That is all! MK
Thanks Marcie!