Remodeling Realities

Design Blog by
Monarch Lane Interiors

hey there, I'm REBECCA


Welcome to Monarch Lane Interiors! We are a full-service Interior Design firm located in Nashville, Tn. Serving clients locally and beyond. We help homeowners love the spaces they live in with a harmony of function and beauty. The story of the butterfly relates strongly to the transforming path to great design. We accomplish this with our professional design education, signature process, and online design studio. And as fate would have it my initials also make a butterfly ;-)
The Chrysalis Chronicles is a Design Blog giving you a Behind the scenes look into the process, inspiration, and projects we encounter as a Design Firm. Hope you enjoy!


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Welcome to the wild world of remodeling, where dreams of Pinterest-worthy kitchens collide with the harsh realities of construction dust and budget constraints! It’s like a home improvement rollercoaster – thrilling highs of design inspiration followed by the stomach-dropping lows of unforeseen challenges. But fear not, intrepid remodeler! We’ll be your trusty guide through the twists and turns of renovation road, offering tips, tricks, and help keep your sanity intact and your home looking fabulous. So buckle up, as we take you through the adventure of Remodeling Realities!


Remodeling is the transformative process of upgrading, renovating, or redesigning areas within a home to enhance functionality, aesthetics, and overall livability. It goes beyond mere decoration, diving deep into structural improvements and modernization tailored to meet the evolving needs and preferences of homeowners. The importance of remodeling in homeownership cannot be overstated; it breathes new life into dated spaces, increases property value, and improves quality of life. Whether it’s creating an open-concept living area for family gatherings, renovating a kitchen to boost efficiency, or adding a luxurious bathroom retreat, remodeling allows homeowners to personalize their spaces and create environments that reflect their unique lifestyles. It’s not just about keeping up with trends but about creating spaces that truly feel like home, fostering comfort, functionality, and joy for years to come.


We love reality TV because we like to see how it will turn out. BUT the reality is – those shows are NOT reality, but for your entertainment. Keep in mind that with most of the design shows; they met the homeowners and made all design decisions months prior, a lot of the products are donated, and the labor is not usually included in budgets. When most companies get an opportunity to be on TV, they will send “all hands on deck!” Because the show has a tight deadline. In all my years of doing real life remodeling, no homeowner can afford 30 building pros at the home at one time. As long as you keep in mind that those shows are for entertainment only, you will be good!


Choose the project in your home that will elevate your family’s way of living or get the most return on your investment. Don’t try to tackle several rooms in your home at once unless you plan to move out. Believe me when I say that as soon as the demolition begins, it is a disruption to your home and your life. You will only like 2 days of the remodel. The day the start…. And you guessed it – the day you are waving goodbye to all who are invading your space – I mean to all the people crafting your dream home!

One thing that helps our clients to see what might be the best return on their investment is this cost vs value report. You can enter your zip code and get average costs to do several remodeling projects in your home. You also can see the value you will recuperate when or if you sell. This is such a great tool – check it out!


Working with Design and Construction professionals will help you get more accurate costs. In our firm we work up the entire design with construction plans, product details, and selections so that your builder can price the whole job for you. If you have a contractor before you hire a designer, you can talk through budgets and allowances to keep your project on track. The best thing to do is have your whole team assembled as you begin so everyone can work side by side for you and your project goals.

For budgeting purposes, set aside 15-25% more than you anticipate to spend because regardless of your budget, most homeowners add on to their project and or fall in love with certain products they cannot live without. We guide our clients along the way to understand the value of each decision so it is easy to land on a desired budget. But it is better to be prepared!


For any construction project, you will need a general contractor who will take care of the overall schedule, organizing the trades, checking for codes and permitting. They will do regular site visits and check ins to make sure the work is being done right. They also check everything against your budget. They are your advocate and want a smooth ride for you (and them)! They also have a great relationship with their trades because they work with them a lot or exclusively.

When looking for a contractor, word of mouth is the go to recommendation. We have our preferred contractors that we work with on a regular basis that we have vetted and know the quality you can expect. When we start a project with you, we will be able to asses the perfect General Contractor for your project. We also love partnering with new contractors as long as they are licensed and insured. We want your project to be a successful one, so we play nice in the sandbox with others and treat this as a team sport!


It is not IF you will have bumps in the road but -WHEN! The key is to approach your remodel with open eyes. When we work with clients on remodeling projects, we get all selections and decisions done before demo starts to minimize any bumps. However, there are damages in delivery, discontinued products, an unexpected defect in the tile, etc and the important thing is that whatever the scenario, we work to find a good solution to keep the project rolling.


Good design does not happen overnight. You need to allow time for the design to come together, for 800 selection decisions to be found, vetted, and then approved, ordered, and arrived unscathed! Whew! There are a LOT of moving parts and pieces in a remodeling and new construction projects. We get all the details sorted before construction to alleviate “building the car as you are driving” method. When you work with Monarch Lane, we can give you a proposal with timeline for the design phase. As long as you do not have trouble making decisions, we can stay on track. If we have a builder from the start we can keep them up to date on the design phases and work to get you on their project schedule ASAP!

Something to note- You are NOT on anyone’s schedule until there is a contract and deposit. I have had clients in the past think that because they have an estimate from a builder, that they are in line. That is not the case. They give out estimates weekly, so make sure you follow up and get them hired!

Builders love working with us because we give them the design drawings, plan set, product selections, and installation details. We also act as a partner when the construction begins by attending important and specific site meetings.

While the General contractor will have to give you the timeline for the construction portion, there are a number of factors that can play into the time and cost of a remodeling project.

  1. Age of house
  2. Condition of the structure
  3. Quality of the original build of the structure
  4. How big of a project are you wanting to do. Kitchen or bathroom are most common.
  5. Are you opening up the area in the house by removing walls
  6. Are you adding windows in exterior walls without existing windows
  7. Are you adding on additional space to the existing house
  8. Is there structured in the way to be removed before adding onto the house.

Below are some examples of times to do remodeling projects

  1. kitchen 6–8 weeks or more
  2. Bathroom 4-6 week minimum
  3. Opening up area inside the home. 4-8weeks minimum
  4. Additions 3 to 12 months
  5. Whole house remodel. 6 months to a year or more.


Now that you know what you would like to remodel and have a sense of process involved, it is time to get your design and construction team together and get specific on your project’s scope. Set up a chat with our team so that we can talk about your goals.

Set up a Discovery Call today!

Explore more categories:  Behind the scenes, Design

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hey there, I'm REBECCA


Welcome to Monarch Lane Interiors! We are a full-service Interior Design firm located in Nashville, Tn. Serving clients locally and beyond. We help homeowners love the spaces they live in with a harmony of function and beauty. The story of the butterfly relates strongly to the transforming path to great design. We accomplish this with our professional design education, signature process, and online design studio. And as fate would have it my initials also make a butterfly ;-)
The Chrysalis Chronicles is a Design Blog giving you a Behind the scenes look into the process, inspiration, and projects we encounter as a Design Firm. Hope you enjoy!


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Dcorating a small room, why it's like having a cat

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