Refresh your home with a clean slate

Design Blog by
Monarch Lane Interiors

hey there, I'm REBECCA


Welcome to Monarch Lane Interiors! We are a full-service Interior Design firm located in Nashville, Tn. Serving clients locally and beyond. We help homeowners love the spaces they live in with a harmony of function and beauty. The story of the butterfly relates strongly to the transforming path to great design. We accomplish this with our professional design education, signature process, and online design studio. And as fate would have it my initials also make a butterfly ;-)
The Chrysalis Chronicles is a Design Blog giving you a Behind the scenes look into the process, inspiration, and projects we encounter as a Design Firm. Hope you enjoy!


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The concept of a clean slate project is to choose a different way to see your home than you have before. It is getting past old mindsets of how you used to see each room and gaining a new perspective of how it could be. We all know that our environment affects how you think and feel, so giving your home a refresh will brighten your thoughts and elevate your overall mood.

This is why we do what we do! It is pure joy to see our clients go through this transformation and have a home that reflects them and caters to their unique way of living.


The enemy of an organized space is clutter! You have to get rid of the clutter so you can see the things you actually love in each room. Think of a room in your home that is overwhelming to you. Could it be that it is because it has no order? Could there be some things in that room that you don’t need or even like? The answer is YES! Here is what you need to do.

  1. Choose a room to start with and bring a clipboard. You can also click here to download our Clean Slate workbook.
  2. Next you need to ask yourself, “What do I like about this space?”, “What is it’s purpose?”
  3. Determine what in this room gives you joy. The are the things that you want to notice and see.
  4. Decide what things in this space are outdated or not your style. Those things we need to get rid of.

But what if someone you love gave you that thing that you don’t want anymore?

Here’s the thing – people give you gifts to make you happy. They thought of you. That is it… The gift was never intended to be a burden. Whew! If they gave you a piece of their furniture, most likely it is because they outgrew it. Environments go through cycles and seasons. And the stuff does too. POINT IS – The things we own don’t need to stay stagnant. If there is no life giving joy, it is weighing you down.

I love what Marie Kondo says about picking up each item when decluttering. If it sparks joy, it is a keeper. It may not need to stay in that room, but if you love it, then it is good to be in your home. And if it doesn’t spark joy, it is better to donate and put it back into rotation so someone else can enjoy it.


The only way to see what you are dealing with is to empty the cabinet or bookcase. Dump that drawer! Empty the entire closet! It is only then, that you will be able to see what you are dealing with. There is so much physical, mental, and emotional energy that we waste on all this STUFF. It is time to stop giving it all your energy! You can use our clean slate workbook to help you put items into each category or use it as a guide and make piles for the following:

  1. What do you want to keep?
  2. Are there items that would be better in a different room?
  3. What should to be moved to storage?
  4. What can be donated?
  5. And finally, what should be thrown away?


While clutter-free spaces help us to have less distractions. Once you declutter, you need well-organized spaces to help the daily routines run more smoothly. You need a system! Everything needs a place and a purpose so that keeping it organized can stick.

  1. Store similar items together. Put that screwdriver with the others in the garage and stop making “junk drawers” haha! Seriously though, make the drawer work for what you need, but don’t pile it with miscellaneous stuff. That is where clutter starts.
  2. Store things where they can be tucked away as much as possible. Physical clutter =mental clutter.


Your decor needs to reflect who you are, the traditions you hold, and be something that connects with you. So, now is the fun part! It is time to determine what this space can be. In our Clean Slate workbook you will see ideas for how to use Pinterest to PIN DOWN what you want the room to feel like, look like, and function like. You can grab inspiration and create a mood board, get clarity on what is missing, and ultimately find the new items to spruce up your room and or finish off the look you want.


We are here to help! Check out our Room Recipes for a complete Room design. This service is for those that want a curated finished design plan but want to do the shopping themselves. We give you the same great design plan, suggested items you can buy, but you can shop, purchase, and put together the room at your own pace. We give you a Recipe to follow! Click here to check it out!

The Clean Slate Room Project is something I do every year. It helps me to prioritize what needs to be done in each room and to plan out how to get there. What is your biggest struggle when cleaning and organizing? Let us know in the comments!

Explore more categories:  Design, Lifestyle

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hey there, I'm REBECCA


Welcome to Monarch Lane Interiors! We are a full-service Interior Design firm located in Nashville, Tn. Serving clients locally and beyond. We help homeowners love the spaces they live in with a harmony of function and beauty. The story of the butterfly relates strongly to the transforming path to great design. We accomplish this with our professional design education, signature process, and online design studio. And as fate would have it my initials also make a butterfly ;-)
The Chrysalis Chronicles is a Design Blog giving you a Behind the scenes look into the process, inspiration, and projects we encounter as a Design Firm. Hope you enjoy!


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